The first session went smoothly. Everything was right: the theory was in line with the practice, the speaker was able to motivate the group, and at the end of the meeting both the annual plan and my visual recording were ready. Everything according to the (script) book.
But the second session was different. The group was too large and was split into two subgroups (the “cutting.”) For me as a live artist, this meant switching. I joined both groups in turn, summarizing 90 to 95% of the input and using the plenary feedback (the “pasting”) to supplement the last 5%. The result: a complete picture, right on time.
And then came session five. The group was divided into three teams, each in a different room. While the moderator and I said to each other at the same time: "where you cut, you must also paste", the script turned out to be insufficiently calculated for the extra time that three groups require.
The race against time
Live drawing then really becomes a profession: switching between groups at lightning speed, quickly retrieving the core questions: "What do you take with you from last year's annual report?" , "Do you also think that we should participate in the project, as group 1 indicated?" . And then processing the core of the answers in the visual.
At the end of the session I was the only one with a complete overview of what had been discussed in all three groups. Thanks to the visual recording I was able to clearly give this overview during the plenary feedback. Everyone was again aware of each other's insights, and left the door fully engaged.
From chaos to a clear business drawing
Next week they will continue with the final details of the annual report. My drawing will not only be a memory of the session, but also a concrete input for the next steps. As a live artist it is my job to make the connection: between groups, ideas and insights. With a visualization as a tangible product!
Live drawing for your organization?
Want to know more about live drawing? Or are you thinking about hiring a live artist for your event? Contact me and we will discuss the possibilities - without obligation and free of charge.